Family owned and operated since 1988

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Auto Reparadora de Santa Marta is located in the parish of the same name, approximately 5 km from Viana do Castelo and 20 km from Ponte de Lima. The company is dedicated to maintenance and repair of multi-brand mechanical, collision and painting motor vehicles. All services meet the quality requirements in accordance with the NP ENISO 9001 standard and with recognition from the EIC entity - International Certification Company. Its main objective is total customer satisfaction. To achieve this, it has at its disposal a vast team of qualified employees who share the same values of quality, professionalism and responsibility with the company. Before any intervention, we provide the customer with a detailed, written and free quote. Our growth and development are supported by the maintenance of a stable technical and administrative team, in balanced management, based on a policy of permanent investment and modernization of the physical and technological profile, essential for an effective response to the permanent challenges of the market, always imposing itself the requirement to provide its clients with results that meet and exceed their expectations, as only with this attitude can it achieve its objectives and commitments made to clients and employees.

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